Bhavan's Vidya Mandir Girinagar ensures that children with Speci?c learning disability, Autism Spectrum disorder and Attention De?cit Hyperactivity Disorder are given equal opportunities and mainstreamed in the regular classroom. Three qualiffied and RCI registered Special Educators provide support and care to the Children With Special Needs (CWSN). They also provide in-class support to the students especially during the Mathematics periods. Special Educators have been providing counselling to both parents and teachers to create awareness about the various features of disabilities. The teachers also try to provide peer tutoring support among students also.

 Early Identiffication and Intervention are the most important agendas of the teachers and Special Educators. After the assessment, an individualized educational programme is designed according to the special needs of the children. The IEP and the speci?c goals are mainly based on the current level of functioning of the child. These students also attend one to one sessions in the resource centre during the lighter periods so that they improvise their basic academic skills. Subject content and curriculum is simpliffied and learning is provided in a play way method. The students are given learning materials to improve their eye hand coordination and ?ne motor skills.

Subject Exemption is another great advantage to the CWSN, as they can drop subjects and opt for Home Science and Computer Applications.The documentation process of Compensatory time and provision of Calculator which is provided by CBSE is also made available for our students as per their requests. During the exams, the Children With Special Needs are seated in a separate room, where the teachers read out the questions and help is rendered to them to comprehend indirect questions. Audio visual teaching aids are effectively used to help them comprehend the content to be learnt.

A school counsellor helps in early identi?cation of problem behaviours and takes suitable steps to prevent the onset of psychosocial problems. Once the problems are detected, the school counsellor works towards finding suitable solutions, or looks at referring the child to a more suitable setting if the child’s home environment allows for it. We have a well-quali?ed counsellor who work with students having a wide range of emotional and psychological problems and helps them bring about effective changes and enhances their wellbeing.

The role of the school counsellor extends beyond school students to the parents of students, who may feel the need of availing of counselling services to deal with issues stemming from their role as socialization agents. Counselling is given on a one to one basis with children as well as parents. Students who need counselling for various reasons like school refusal, anxiety, lack of con?dence, parental issues, lack of interest in studies etc are given support on a one to one basis and the details are being recorded and kept con?dential.

Group counselling is also being undertaken for various classes as and when needed.

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